A Vintage Petrol Lighter Story Volume 16: Placing Your Bid & The Thrill Of A Score!

(A Vintage Petrol Lighter Story Volume 16: Placing Your Bid & The Thrill Of A Score! is a work of fiction presented by DependableFlame.com)

Discerning A Deal

Elston James crashed, exhausted on the worn, slick leather couch as he grabbed the Ipad Pro off the charger and propped it up onto his lap. He absentmindedly opened the Ebay app and typed in the search query he entered so often. There was no way he’d ever be

Photo by Joseph Hudson

able to cover all the results this search contained but that wouldn’t stop him from trying as it offered the least likely chance of him missing any single listing he wished to see.

Some vintage lighter enthusiasts liked to rely on keywords or clever combinations thereof but Elston preferred to cast a wide net and put in the difficult work of recognizing what he sought from afar, in large groups of lighters all spread about, often in a single or at least very few pictures. As an Ebay seller, Elston had learned early on the value of taking focused photographs that were cropped cleanly, thus limiting the effort his prospective buyers were required to put into viewing his listings but there were many sellers who just didn’t bother.

His vision was becoming hazy from the strain of staring into so many small and poorly lit photos when his eyes landed on one and he clicked impulsively to make it larger, hoping to gain clarity and see what so often was just a figment of his fertile, sanguine imagination. This was no barren hope, however as Elston’s hunch was confirmed and he could clearly see a boxed example of a brand new silver tone Penguin Cygnus roller petrol lighter setting there amongst the fray of gathered lighters.

Though it would be a long journey keeping an eye on this auction until it closed in nearly a full week’s time, Elston was determined that he would purchase this lot so he set out to analyze each lighter included individually and ascertain the price over which he hoped he wouldn’t have to bid. He took note of the date and time of day the Ebay listing ended, making sure he would not miss this crucial moment but also knowing he’d be checking back often throughout the week anyway!

Chomping At The Bit

It was early Tuesday evening and Elston was feeling a little antsy about the listing he’d just found the day before though it still seemed to be flying under the radar, at least as far as bids were concerned. There were varying philosophies when it came to placing bids on Ebay

Photo by Joseph Hudson

auctions but Elston was a firm believer that there was no benefit to him bidding on any auction any sooner than the very last moment that it was possible. That was the tact he would take here.

There were those who liked to bid immediately upon discovering an auction they were interested in and he would still do that on occasion, depending on the opening bid price and prospects of the lighters included but his default was to sit back and wait for the pivotal seconds at the end of the auction, especially when the opening bid was set relatively high like this one, very near what Elston hoped to eventually pay for the entire lot.

With the opening bid of $38.99 plus just under another ten for shipping and handling, the price wasn’t really what scared him about missing out on the lot. What really had him concerned were some of the other unidentified lighters in the group, which if they garnered the attention Elston knew they would if others only took the time to zoom in and focus on all the lighters in the photograph, then this was likely to sell for way more than he had hoped and he would miss out on both the Cygnus and the opportunity to make some money on the others.

This is where Elston’s philosophy of casting a wide net when searching for lighters often paid off though as there weren’t too many vintage petrol lighter enthusiasts who would pay much attention to a listing simply titled “Vintage Lighter Lot” and accompanied by only one, wide perspective, collage type photo. Elston wasn’t so concerned about a bidding war either as he was the time remaining for others to stumble upon the listing as it might take only one serious competitor to knock him off this bid.

Chasing Phantom Bidders

Elston’s heart sank when he opened up the tablet Monday morning and noticed that the Ebay listing he was after had indeed finally received a bid. It was only one so far and it sat currently at the minimum required with a little over twelve hours left in the auction so he cooled his heels and had a cup of coffee before focusing too intently on the situation at hand.

Photo by Bench Accounting on Unsplash

He was willing to pay over twice where the bid stood but hoped against hope he wouldn’t have to pay a penny more than was necessary to acquire the lot and still considered the time remaining to be the bigger hindrance to him making this group of lighters his own than the price getting too high. He had competition now, though he himself had yet to place a bid and if any more should join in, his chances would be getting slimmer.

The auction ending during the prime hours of the evening at 8:00 P.M. Central time also could work against him as this was when all the lighter fanatics were sure to monitor auction listings, whereas a morning close might have already made this one his. He received the fourteen-minute warning before the auction closed, however and the bid still sat right there on that minimum dollar amount.

Elston settled in to his comfortable corduroy chair with the tablet open to the listing page and the time counting it’s way down from 13:26 as anxiety and excitement set into the back of his throat and the crown of his head. He had missed out on auctions before after being in this exact situation by being distracted by something else in the room like an interesting story on the television. He grabbed the remote and turned the T.V. off so that would not befall him today.

With just under five minutes left in the auction another bidder joined the mix and sent the price up by a little over twenty dollars to $61.36 plus shipping. Elston’s nerves were getting a little more active now but he stood his ground and waited for the final seconds to arrive.

With one minute left on the clock, he hit the “Place Bid” button to enter his intended amount in preparation to make his bid at the last possible moment. He typed in the amount $101.01 and let his left index finger hover over the “Confirm Bid” button. Five seconds now, four, three, two… When the clock hit .01, Elston made his bid as numbness filled his head in anticipation as the auction ended and it took a few moments for the results page to populate in its place.

“You Won!” the Ebay listing page announced as Elston took a deep, calming breath and smiled.

(Please leave any comments, questions or suggestions in the comments section of this or any other page at DependableFlame.com. This is a work of fiction and any similarity of the characters or situations herein to those that have happened in real life should be seen as coincidental.)

Author: Joseph

Be cautious when anyone tells you what you need or have to do...

10 thoughts on “A Vintage Petrol Lighter Story Volume 16: Placing Your Bid & The Thrill Of A Score!”

  1. I can completely relate to the excitement and thrill of scoring a vintage petrol lighter, and this story perfectly captures that feeling! I recently had a memorable experience of placing my bid and securing a unique vintage lighter, and it was truly exhilarating.

    The adrenaline rush I felt while participating in the auction and competing with other collectors was unparalleled. Every bid I placed added to the anticipation, wondering if I would come out victorious in the end.

    Researching and learning about the history and craftsmanship of vintage lighters added an extra layer of enjoyment to the process. It’s amazing how each piece tells its own story and carries a piece of history with it.

    The moment I received the notification that my bid was successful, the sense of accomplishment and satisfaction was indescribable. Holding the vintage lighter in my hands, knowing I had won the auction, was a true collector’s triumph.

    Beyond the joy of ownership, vintage lighters often hold sentimental value and become cherished keepsakes. They serve as a reminder of past eras and the artistry that went into their creation.

    I thoroughly enjoyed reading this story and reminiscing about my own vintage lighter journey. It’s a passion that brings together history, art, and the thrill of the chase. I’m curious to hear about other readers’ experiences with placing bids and the incredible scores they’ve found. Thank you for sharing this nostalgic and exciting topic!

    1. You bet Dawayne, I am thrilled that you enjoyed reading the story of how Elston identified and ended up winning this lighter which he saw as a very prized possession from browsing Ebay lighter listings. There is much anticipation and satisfaction experienced through accumulating a collection of vintage cigarette lighters and I thank you for sharing your insights on the subject here in the comment sections for this story. I hope you will continue to frequent the site and check out all of the vintage petrol lighter content that we have to offer.

  2. Elston seems really addicted to his hobby of collecting vintage lighters and it was a hobby that I never knew existed until I stared reading about Elstons adventures on this website. I can understand his excitement when ordering his perfect vintage lighter as I feel the same when I pick up some great crafting goods online and they arrive. The joy of opening up the goods especially if they are difficult to find. 

    1. Hey Michel, I know exactly what you are saying! I spent the majority of my youth collecting sports cards and that was a good amount of fun even back then but I remember when Ebay came about and all of a sudden you had access to all of these sports cards that before had maybe been limited to certain regions or out of print for so long that most people thought they’d gone out of existence. It’s kinda crazy the number of different items that people decide to collect. Thanks for stopping by and reading the article once again.

  3. Well done story Joseph. You did a great job of setting up the suspense and anxiety of the bidding war.
    The inherent humor of this scenario being over vintage lighters, something you wouldn’t think would get a lot of bidding traction, added some good levity to the suspense of the outcome.

    1. Thank you Kris for reading the article and sharing your thoughts here in this comment. I had to laugh at your last statement about there being levity in the matter of folks taking bidding on old cigarette lighters so seriously because in the circles where I hang out, and especially online, old lighters are certainly serious business! I’ve really been enjoying this more creative form of writing also so I appreciate you complimenting the story.

  4. It is fascinating to see how a simple hobby like collecting lighters can bring so much joy and excitement into someone’s life. For Elston, it is not just about the lighters themselves, but also the stories and history behind each piece. He takes great pleasure in sharing his knowledge with others and connecting with fellow collectors.

    1. Thank you Herman, I appreciate you taking the time to read the story and share your insights into Elston’s life and hobby here in the comments section. The satisfaction in taking one of these old fire making machines that has been discarded decades ago and getting it into working condition again can not be overstated. I think there are many folks out there like Elston who if they took the time to look around and smell the roses and take up a hobby where they can both enjoy the work and the camaraderie of others, they would be much happier people in general. Thanks again for stopping by my friend.

  5. Hey there! I just finished reading this and I have to say, it was such an enjoyable read. I was completely immersed in the world of vintage lighter enthusiasts and their adventures on eBay. The way you described Elston’s dedication to his passion and his tireless search for hidden gems was so vivid.

    You really captured the excitement and nervousness that comes with bidding on an auction. I could feel Elston’s anticipation as he waited for the auction to end, hoping to snag that coveted lot without breaking the bank.

    1. Thank you Anoth, I really appreciate you stopping by again, this time to check out Elston’s latest adventure in the world of buying vintage lighters in the Ebay online marketplace. I would say your description of Elston’s “dedication to his passion” is a very good way to describe many of the lighter enthusiasts that I have met over the last few yrs. I can tell you from my own personal experience that those last moments before an auctions ends are the most tense of their entire duration. Thanks again for checking out this story my friend!

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