A Lighter That Doesn’t Work & Birds That Fall From The Sky: A Vintage Petrol Lighter Story

(A Lighter That Doesn’t Work & Birds That Fall From The Sky: A Vintage Petrol Lighter Story Volume 19 is a work of fiction presented by DependableFlame.com)

A Frightening Scene

Photo by Zach Lezniewicz on Unsplash

Elston James was more than confused and a little startled. He’d gone to bed the night before just as always, only to walk out this morning and find his lawn, driveway and the entire street littered with dead avian carcasses. It was literally a scene out of a 1950s horror movie!

He pulled a joint out of the black plastic tube in his front pant’s pocket and placed it dead center in his lips while sliding the Vintage Look Zippo out of the same pocket. He struck the wheel of the petrol lighter which ignited to flame instantly though he nearly gave himself whiplash trying to chase the flame around with the end of the marijuana cigarette as the flame danced in the Oklahoma wind.

Flustered and pissed off, he shook his head aggressively and grumbled something under his breath as he slammed the lighter back into his zippered pocket and surveyed the scene around him once again. He recognized the vast majority of the birds as Purple Martins but they were by no means the only victims of the night as he spotted the odd Starling, Sparrow and even Finch.

As Elston ducked back into the house to get relief from the wind, he examined the joint he’d tried to light moments earlier and realized while he had barely singed the tip which he intended to light, his errant flame had scorched a wide swath of the paper cone and created a hole halfway up the joint which would now impede a proper draw even if he could light it. He quickly stuffed the end of a chillum with a healthy amount of ground up weed from the tray at his bedside table and snatched the Etched Leaf Zippo off the coffee table in the living room on his way back out the door.

Lighting It Right

Neighbors were gathering all along and down the street as Elston slammed the screen door behind him. He spotted Big Jim in the yard catty-corner from his own, standing there in his faded denim overalls and using the toe of his house slippers to probe the birds for signs of life as he made his way around the yard.

Just then, a child screamed from down the street which distracted Elston momentarily and when he brought his gaze back to Big Jim he had a bird in one hand and was picking at its blue-black feathers with the other. Elston shook his head in disbelief and began to make his way across the street to find out exactly what in the world Big Jim was thinking. Had he never heard of the bird flu?

“…parasites, lice, disease, plague, judgment, torment…” Elston could just make out the words that Big Jim was muttering as he approached and he wasn’t not worried about the tone in which they were spoken. Big Jim’s current appearance belied what Elston already knew to be true, Jim was an intelligent man who had helped Elston reason through a mechanical problem on more than one occasion but his behavior now seemed more like a crazy person and fear began to settle in between Elston’s ears.

Photo by Tadeusz Lakota on Unsplash

“Hey, Jim! I wouldn’t be handling those birds like that, man. I can’t imagine for the life of me what could have caused all of this but it wouldn’t surprise me if it was disease. Please put that bird down!” His nerves were getting to him so Elston pulled the chillum from his shirt pocket, cupped his hands around the Zippo as he hit the wheel to light it and inhaled deeply before turning the pipe around and exhaling into the lit marijuana ember, stoking it even further.

This lighter had Zippo’s Refillable Yellow Flame Butane insert installed in it which worked much better in the wind, so lighting the chillum didn’t bring about the same frustration Elston had experienced earlier with the joint. Big Jim, however, was suffering from more than frustration as when Elston’s attention reverted back to him, he was frothing and foaming at the mouth like a rabid dog!

Careening Into Chaos

Big Jim stared straight at him with a menacing snarl that stopped Elston in his tracks. Before he could even take another hit off the chillum, Jim started quickly across the yard toward Elston and with his third stride, slipped on a bird carcass and fell headfirst to the concrete, splitting his head wide open, blood streaming down the driveway into the street which Elston suddenly became aware had devolved into chaos.

Photo by Valentin Salja on Unsplash

The screaming child was now closer though Elston had still yet to lay eyes on him and several neighborhood dogs were whimpering and barking and all showing their teeth as some of their owners made feeble attempts to enter and break up the scrum they were embroiled in. From overhead, a hawk came swooping in with a terrible scream and began to feast on the contents Big Jim’s spilled head.

Elston turned to head back across the street to the safety of his house when he realized that it was engulfed in flames and he could smell the stench of burning feathers as the carcasses that littered the roof were lapped up by the fire. His concern for the intensifying situation was momentarily assuaged when a fire truck appeared from around the corner and made its way down the street, only to drive straight into his house and explode!

The explosion startled Elston straight up in bed and he struggled through the heaviness of his eyes to contemplate the surrounding chaos. Birds chirped, mowers and leaf wranglers droned on and a homeless man pushed a grocery cart loaded down with his belongings right down the middle of the street like any old normal sunny morning.

Elston expelled a big sigh of relief as he reached to the bedside table, finding the live resin vape pen and taking in and exhaling a huge hit of the oil. He let his head fall freely back on the pillow and drifted back to a more restful sleep before the chaos could re-enter his mind.

(Please leave any comments, questions or suggestions in the comments section of this or any other page at DependableFlame.com. This is a work of fiction and any similarity of the characters or situations herein to those that have happened in real life should be seen as coincidental.)

Author: Joseph

Be cautious when anyone tells you what you need or have to do...

8 thoughts on “A Lighter That Doesn’t Work & Birds That Fall From The Sky: A Vintage Petrol Lighter Story”

  1. Hi DependableFlame,

    I enjoyed reading your story “A Lighter That Doesn’t Work & Birds That Fall From The Sky”. It was a bit of a wild ride, and I was definitely on the edge of my seat at the end. I liked how you incorporated the lighters into the story, and I thought the ending was a nice touch. Overall, I thought this was a well-written story. I would definitely recommend it to other fans!

    I’m looking forward to reading more from you in the future.

    1. Thank you Jeffrey, I really appreciate you reading the story and leaving such a nice comment! I got a kick out of writing this one and came up with the idea because of a similar incident that happened in real life just before I sat down to read it. The adventures that Elston finds himself in tend to be somewhat autobiographical and I may have strayed a bit more from the real world in this one than I typically do but all those birds falling from the sky in Oklahoma City was such a bizarre occurrence that that’s just sorta of where my mind went!

  2. Within the captivating narrative you’ve presented, a sense of curiosity and intrigue permeates the atmosphere. The peculiar occurrence of birds falling from the sky, combined with the enigmatic malfunctioning lighter, creates an atmosphere reminiscent of a suspenseful thriller. As a reader, I found myself captivated by the vivid imagery and the unexpected turn of events.

    Intriguingly, the convergence of these elements raises questions about the underlying symbolism and deeper meaning behind the story. Could this unique fusion of a non-functional lighter and the lifeless avian creatures represent a metaphor for something greater? I would love to hear your insights on the inspiration behind this tale and the intended message or themes you sought to convey through these intriguing elements.

    As I eagerly await your response, I can’t help but wonder how these seemingly unrelated components intertwine to form a cohesive narrative that keeps readers on the edge of their seats.

    1. Hey Israel, I really appreciate you taking the time to read the story and leave such a detailed and thought provoking comment. The truth of the matter is the real live occurrence of all those birds falling out of the sky in Oklahoma City got my mind working that morning and before I even realized it I was writing a horror story. I think Elston is a conscientious fella’ so I am sure that there was a deeper meaning behind everything that he experienced in the dream but I’m not certain that those meanings are any more substantial than the fact the he couldn’t get his joint lit off that petrol lighter in the wind. I hope you will continue to frequent the site and check out these stories and surely we will gain further insights into the actual meaning of Elston’s dream at a later time.

  3. Hi!!! My God you are a good writer, I just couldn’t stop reading, and as a former smoker was totally able to relate to the frustration of wanting a smoke (cigarettes in my case) and not having a well functioning lighter. I really liked the novel approach, even if in the beginning I didn’t know where you were going with the story.

    1. I am glad you enjoyed the story Costanza and I have to admit, I didn’t really know where I was heading with this one either. I got about halfway through when I realized that it was going to end up be a horror story and that kinda reminds me of John Fullbright talking about writing his song High Road and realizing halfway through that he didn’t know where the song was headed so decided that he was going to kill the main character.

  4. Hello! I found the story very interesting and I think you are a good writer and can tell a story. The whole story about the birds and the lighter, etc was so wild. Thank you for sharing, it was a good read.

    I am very much looking forward to reading your next stories as I am invested in them. Thank you so much.

    1. Thank you Leonard, I appreciate you stopping by to check out the story and also for leaving such a kind comment. The story is wild and a little bit different than the tone of Elston’s previous adventures but I did have fun with it. Veering off into a horror story sort of felt to me like when one of your favorite television shows does a musical or live episode. I hope you will continue to frequent the site and check out further installments to see what kind of situations Elston find himself in.

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